Thanks Johan, it's working fine. Once I have better results I'll share them with all of you.



On 16/01/16 14:00, Johan Fabry wrote:
Well that’s actually much easier. :-) What you need to do is to use the 
presentationClass:startOn: API method.

| ui |
ui := GlamourPresentationModel new.
ui presentationClass: GTPlayground startOn: (GTPlayPage new saveContent: '42').
ui openWithSpec

I just realized that this was not clear from the examples in the class comment. 
I have updated the class comment to reflect this.

I hope this resolves all your issues!

On Jan 16, 2016, at 14:24, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <> 


I'm still kind of lost here. If I try with these approaches I get a *new* 
GTPlayground window populated with content, instead of an embedded one. How can 
I made this GTPlayPage one that is embedded in a spec glamour interface, like 
the one in the minimalist example: a dictionary with two keys/values: one which 
is shown as text and other that is shown as a playground, both populated with 
the content in the dict values and both, embedded in a widget instead of on 
separate windows. Is this possible with the current Spec-Glamour 
implementation?, if not how can be it extended to make this happen?



On 16/01/16 10:36, Johan Fabry wrote:
Ah, sorry for the confusion, for the sake of the example I oversimplified 
things. Let’s say that I have a GTPlayground instance that has been around for 
some time, and then I want to change its content. What should I do?

| play |
“play is the GTPlayground instance"
play := (GTPlayground new openOn: GTPlayPage new) model.

“… lots of things happen … the world turns … sun and moon go up and down … "

play entity saveContent: '42'.
play update.

Still like this ?

---> Save our in-boxes! <---

Johan Fabry   -
PLEIAD and RyCh labs  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of 

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