On 6/28/16 12:19 PM, Thierry Goubier wrote:
Hi Dale,

Le 28/06/2016 20:49, Dale Henrichs a écrit :

Also I'm hoping that in metadataless mode I stop scanning the entire
known repository universe for package versions that will not be found
anywhere but in the repositories that I've explicitly associated with
the the package itself:)

I don't think it happens there. MCGitFileTreeVersionInfo already tracks the repository it comes from, but I'm pretty sure that MC doesn't ask the version info for the new data. Maybe add a new type of WorkingCopy object?


In Pharo5.0 it seems that the Pharo inbox and several other repositories get scanned whenever I do a package diff or do a package save from the Monticello Browser ... a few weeks ago, you responded to someone elses complaint about this annoying behavior and at this point (after reading through a bunch of code trying to get some understanding about why metadataless Git Filetree is not working for me) I believe that you were claiming responsibility for a problem that is not yours ...

It is true that on every save, you do a refresh for the GitFileTree and it is true that this is slightly annoying (but understandable), but the truth is that I am seeing this annoying inbox and friends scanning when I don't have git file tree loaded in the image ...

Soooo, my crack about "scanning the entire known universe" was aimed at the behavior I see without GitFileTree loaded in the image ....


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