Thank you Thierry!

I have more questions inline.

On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 10:44 AM, Thierry Goubier <
> wrote:

> All the Monticello GUI : track down version numbers to order stuff in the
> lists views everywhere.

So, if we built a new GUI which does not rely on those version numbers
maybe we could get rid of that problem, what do you think?

> The Metacello / Gofer stuff (Configurations, Baselines) also use version
> numbers.

Yes, I understand that they use version numbers, but do they require that
version numbers are correlative?

> One of the difficulty of switching will be the cohabitation of
> number-based systems (smalltalkhub) and SHA-based systems, especially when
> you do things like copying a version from a git repository to a
> smalltalkhub repository.

I think that currently it is not possible to copy a number-based package
version from smalltalkhub to a metadata-less git repository using git file
tree. I mean, you can but the new version will not have the same version
number, right?

> That's why I suggested to change the ordering relation to a partial order
> based on the property A is an ancestor of B -> B is before A.

I've lost you there. I agree that it is true that A is an ancestor of B ->
B is before A, but the most common problem goes the other way arround, i.e.
you want to know if A is ancestor of B and the implication then is not
true: B is before A 'does not imply' B is ancestor of A. So I missed your
point here.

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