
Thank you Denis and Esteban for your help.
I agree, the way to go is to rewrite correct UFFI bindings. Denis' solution
seems fragile.

About my points 3 and 4 I think I was not clear. I did not want to force old
FFI syntax.

I explained why I thought that the way Pharo 5 was failing at deprecated
code was very misleading and gave a bad impression.
About developer tools in Pharo, as far as I understand ideally everything
should be done in Pharo, we should not have to use a text editor to develop,
etc. So we should be able to access legacy, deprecated source code from
within Pharo. This could work if the source code viewer did not enforce
strict parsing rules. In Pharo 5, it fails badly and late. In Pharo 6 it
fails early with a nice syntax error but it still prevents me from getting
the code into Pharo. ZeroMQ are just bindings that I can easily rewrite. But
what if I get the .mcz file of an old package whose code I do not know? It
would not load. To get its code, I would have to learn about the .mcz
format, dig into the .mcz archive and open the right file in a text editor
to get the code declarations one by one. (Or if I am smarter I could hack
FileIn to get the code declarations as an array of strings with no attempt
at compiling and then copy paste the pieces.) It would be nice to be able to
load an old deprecated code, let it run and fail and correct it live in the
debugger for example. It would be even nicer to have the old syntax
recognized and explicit warnings (or even suggested rewriting).

About item 4, I have no problem with Smalltalk syntax or it being OO down
the line. When I say that Pharo could be hard for people with programming
experience, I was refering to the fact that one get easily caught by version
problems, by legacy stuff that seems to be maintained and at some point stop
working (and unless you read a lot the mailing list, it can be quite
difficult to understand the source of the problem).
To put this into perspective, I can give 2 examples in python: numpy and
pandas. Numpy is a very mature library with very few problems. Most users of
python are CPython users (Python implemented in C) and uses numpy without
wondering. But I remember looking at pypy as a drop-in replacement for
cpython at a time when pypy was not very mature and it had not been easy to
find out that numy could not work with pypy because numpy depends on the
C-API (hence CPython). (Now pypy has a dedicated numpy project which is
correctly advertised.)
Pandas is a python library that changes a lot and is maintained by few
people. Often API or function behaviour changes from one version to the
next. But both the documentation and the code (which emits deprecation
warning when it detects old uses) help a lot the user in switching from one
version to the other or detecting potential problems with old code, often
without a complete error.
The idea is that we can deal with a dog that groans before biting and that
we tends to avoid dogs that bites without groaning before.

In Pharo, I understand that cleaning old code and getting things very robust
is very time-consuming and would not be worth the effort but having a way to
alert the user that something is legacy stuff would be great.
Maybe something like having the list of all packages and their version
included in a given image version on https://pharo.org could be useful.
Or having a process that maintain the state of all known packages in the
Smalltalk repositories: for example there would be 4 states, actively
developed, maintained, legacy and deprecated. "Actively developed" would be
manually set on all packages that are worked on for the new version (is
Iceberg in Pharo 7 a good example?). "Maintained" would be set on all
packages predating a given version but tested for the given version.
"Legacy" would be automatically set on all packages predating a given
version and not tested (so use at your own risk). "Deprecated" would be
manually set on packages that are reported as failing and are known to fail
because of new design (for example old FFI when UFFI comes). The largest
part of the packages would be automatically flagged as "legacy" so the
tagging work would not be too large. (Maybe to bootstrap the tagging system,
all packages published after Pharo 7 release would be flagged as
"maintained" and all others as "legacy".) With this system, ZeroMQ would
have been flagged as "legacy" since Pharo 5 and I would have expected
So I am not really talking about something to change in the language but
rather in the development process of the language. If it is possible to set
up a simple reporting system, the tagging could be done fast by all users.
(For example, if one loads a package in a given Pharo version, one can click
on an entry in the WorldMenu which runs a form to report to a given server
the successful load or the error and flag the package accordingly.)
Another idea would be to formalize improvements with a Pharo version of PEPs
(Python Enhancement Proposal). These technical reports are very useful when
digging into the internals of python after a strange error or something


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