Seaside for html live docs browsing seems a good idea. How do you create
something like [1]?:




On 11/10/17 10:31, Marcus Denker wrote:
>> On 11 Oct 2017, at 17:18, Thierry Goubier <
>> <>> wrote:
>> What about a seaside-based system browser oriented towards code
>> documentation? That would fit both paradigms: html-like reference +
>> live browsing.
>> You could even make it buzzword compliant: have a REST interface to
>> documentation and code.
>> Note how the panes in a system browser could make for a nice URI:
>> just look for
>> pharo://Kernel/Number/mathematical%20functions/raisedTo:
>> And we could even include version numbers, etc....
>> pharo://6.1/Kernel/Number/mathematical%20functions/raisedTo:
>> Not very different from the github url for the pharo project relevant
>> file...
> There is, too. 
> Marcus

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