LaF = Look and Feel.

If you look at recent versions LaF of Squeak has improved as well.
In fact considerably compared to 3.8/3.9 where Pharo branched off.

On 10/16/17, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 13/10/17 19:39, Andrew Glynn wrote:
>> Pharo is a great OSS Smalltalk, IMHO by the best to date (Squeak
>> was/is good, but the LaF was never professional enough for it to be
>> taken as seriously as it deserves, it just looks too much like a toy
>> although in reality it's very powerful). Having the capability to
>> build-on a reliable, attractive and enjoyable base without signing
>> over my great-grand-child's first born is fantastic, and a great
>> achievement for those who accomplished it.
> What is the LaF ?
> Cheers,
> Offray

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