Yes exactly my post was not an effort to diminish the value of Pharo as
live coding system.

My effort was to reveal my findings because I have been doing a lot of
research lately. I am not keen on abandoning the comforts of Pharo live
coding wise now that I code in Python. But to get to Pharo level there are
many issues to be resolved. I know however that I can get to Pharo level
eventually at least on features I really care about. Because I have little
interest in proving something better from something else. I would not try
this if there were not already a substantial amount of features.

I know that you guys did not know this is possible and I do not think thats
a bad thing because a year ago I did not know that is possible either. It
started as a joke and out of it I created two projects , Atlas and
CPPBridge both 100% Pharo code. With atlas I could have settled with inling
python syntax but I did not because that was easy instead I parsed Pharo
syntax to python syntax to make a deeper integration between Pharo and
Python libraries.

I think how difficult it is depends on how high you put your barrier of
entry, if you go for a full blown live coding system like Pharo has, it
will be difficult because there will be several important issues to
resolve. As you said those language do not follow a strict live coding
workflow. They have live coding features out of need to resolved real time

Does C has DLLs because it cares about live coding, obviously not, but the
moment you have a library that can at any moment be reloaded you already
made the first step down the path.

When I said you can do hardcore live coding with ease, I meant that you can
live code full time provided you have built some of the functionality. Once
you got a basic library running the rest just flows. But if you want to
complete neck to neck with Pharo it will be a challange because Pharo does
not have live coding feature only at language level but also at IDE level.

Again if people did only the easy stuff, we would not have Pharo would we ,
the fun is in the challenge.

If a python coder should be stop by the lack of a live coding enviroment
should a Pharo be stopped by the lack of namespaces ?

Of course not, languages are there to be extended via third party libraries
and the more we challange ourselved the deeper the understanding becomes
and the more amazing stuff we can do.
On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 2:25 PM Sean P. DeNigris <>

> kilon.alios wrote
> > it’s clear the community is unwilling to deal with such discussions.
> I wouldn't say that... after all this thread has the most posts on this
> list
> since January 21 ;) I personally learned a lot and was glad to hear all the
> points. I thought the last two pretty much captured the situation, which is
> that you *can* do live programming in other languages, but the advantage of
> Pharo is that it's *about* live programming. I certainly didn't know it was
> even possible in some of the other languages mentioned. Yet, practically,
> it
> seems extremely difficult for a system that tacks something on as a feature
> to compete with a system that values that thing at its core. Ironically,
> the
> biggest barrier seems to be human, in the McLuhan sense that our medium
> determines how/what we can think/say. I feel lucky to have discovered
> Smalltalk and have cast off (most) of the brain damage from C and C++ ha
> ha.
> -----
> Cheers,
> Sean
> --
> Sent from:

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