The first language I played with, I was nearly 5, was a live
environment, Forth.  I used it on an old PDP my mother had bought that
was being surplused at the company she worked at.  I used Forth until I
was in my early teens, it was far superior to the BASIC that most other
kids I knew who knew any programming used.  It wasn't Smalltalk, but in
many of the areas it was used (production automation is one major
area), the language that most often replaced it was Smalltalk.  
The biggest difference, for me, as I wrote in the article the other
day, is the ability to build-on rather than build-with, which in turn
is based on the environment being written in itself. Ruby looks very
much like Smalltalk, but it works like Java; Python works more like
Smalltalk, and it's a much better live environment than Java or Ruby,
because more of it is written in itself, but too much of Python is
written in C, and that causes problems. If the code that
interprets/compiles your code follows the same rules, the machine code
it generates will usually also follow the same rules, and those
rules/restrictions are, for the most part, designed to make code more
As well, RVM has proven Smalltalk (specifically Squeak / Pharo, though
admittedly an older version) can scale to 1024 cores nearly linearly.  
Python has a decent developer base but it's almost all OSS and almost
all on Linux. Very few applications in Python are in areas where
reliability is absolutely necessary, or even all that important.  Like
Smalltalk, it's a general purpose language in a niche, but the niches
are very different. For years, decades really, any good version of
Smalltalk cost an arm and a leg (some of them both of each), and as a
result it tended to be used only where things really had to work.  
Pharo is a great OSS Smalltalk, IMHO by the best to date (Squeak was/is
good, but the LaF was never professional enough for it to be taken as
seriously as it deserves, it just looks too much like a toy although in
reality it's very powerful). Having the capability to build-on a
reliable, attractive and enjoyable base without signing over my great-
grand-child's first born is fantastic, and a great achievement for
those who accomplished it.
Kendrick is an example of what can be done if you build-on:  it was
built on Moose, which is built on Glamorous, which is built on Morphic,
which itself is based on a couple of decades work olving the basic
problems inherent to UI's and MVC-type UI's in particular.  Kendrick
itself was written in a very short time when you compare it with other
epidemiology programs, if you only count the time spent on Kendrick
itself.  It's an inherently complex problem area, and it's a life or
death problem area. That an application capable of working reliably
enough to be trusted in that area was built in a short time, because it
was built-on a couple of decades of OSS work, is a huge compliment to
those who were involved.  
Unfortunately for me, I wasn't, ☺.  But at least I can take advantage
of it existence now.

-----Original Message-----
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2017 21:18:28 +0000Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Behold
Pharo: The Modern SmalltalkTo: Any question about pharo is welcome <pha>Reply-to: Any question about pharo is welcome
<>From: Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.alios@gmail
.com>Wise not to mention Ruby and Python and Pick the worst of the
worst in OOP. Because frankly the competition for Pharo against those
two behemoths can be quite brutal in the flexibility and power of OOP. 
And no , these language can do live coding with ease. I know because I
currently code live coding style with Python for an app I am making.
Sure it wont provide you with a live system out of the box, but put in
10 lines of code and you already ready to go with hardcore live coding.
At least Python , Ruby being practically a rip off of Smalltalk
language may need even less. 

iPython which by the way is by far the most popular Python tool is the
real deal, a full blow live coding enviroment. 

To my suprise its not even hard to do live coding with C/C++ including
using image format. To my shock live coding is actually supported by
both the OS and the hardware. Hardware has its own exception system ,
OS has an image flie format called "memory mapped files" used for DLLs
and a lot of essential functionality. 

For some weird reason however its well hidden and not that much
utilised by coders. They really love long compile times, dont ask me

But yeah C++ even though it has come a long way with its template
system, its still the king of ugly. That sytax, oh the horrors of that
syntax..... yiaks !!!

I am so enternal greatful that Pharo introduced me to live coding and
opened my eyes to universe of fun and productivity. I cannot imagine
coding an other way ever again. 

I really hope that we take this further though. 

On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 1:31 PM horrido <>
> Behold Pharo: The Modern Smalltalk
> <
> 38e132c46053>
> If you would like to suggest some edits, I'm all ears. Anything to
> improve
> the impact of the article.
> Thanks.
> --
> Sent from:

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