
Am 26.10.17 um 08:17 schrieb

Now we miss the boat on mobile and bigdata, but this is solvable.

You know, "It's solvable, and it's even easy in Smalltalk" has been what we've been shouting down at those worms in the C++/Java swamp for decades. We just never really proved it. We also missed the boat on web. Seaside was the last real innovation in that field, almost 15 years ago. When Javascript took over the frontend, we lost pace.

If we had an open Java bridge (and some people in the community have it for Pharo but do not open source it - so this is eminently doable) + Pharo as an embeddable piece (e.g. like Tcl and Lua) and not a big executable we would have a way to embed Pharo in a lot of places (e.g. in the Hadoop ecosystem where fast starting VMs and small footprint would make the cluster capacity x2 or x3 vs uberjars all over the place)  this would be a real disruption.

To it sounds like a big ball of mud to me, but that is opinion ;-)

Think about being able to call Pharo from JNA the same way we use C with UFFI.

Smalltalk argument for me is that it makes development bearable (even fun and enjoyable would I say) vs the other stacks. That matters.

Yep. As long as there is no mobile, web or big data involved ;-) To me that is not enough for convincing project managers these days, because web, mobile and big data as well ass AI (oh, is that probably no. 4 on our list of missed boats?) are the topics of what we consider future-proof projects... I am not only dissing the Pharo community here, this is a problem for all Smalltalk vendors in my opinion.


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