On Sat, Oct 28, 2017 at 8:30 AM, Andrew Glynn <aglyn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> One thing I’m working on is a bridge between Pharo and F-Script.  F-Script
> is, basically, a Smalltalk dialect, as is obvious from the screenshot.
> However for MacOS and iOS, it allows you to bypass the static Objective-C
> API interface and debug / modify or even write applications directly in the
> system.  To do that you ‘inject’ F-Script into the OS.  The ability to so
> has a specific implication, though.  MacOS and iOS are themselves written
> in and as a dialect of Smalltalk.  (were it simply an overlay on
> Objective-C, it wouldn’t be able to do things that are impossible in
> Objective-C, and it wouldn’t need to be ‘injected’ in order to run).  Every
> implementation of Objective-C , bar GNU’s useless imitation, compiles to
> Smalltalk.  No surprise that Apple’s does, as well.
> In any event, it will allow Pharo code to be mapped to MacOS and iOS
> objects, injected into the system dynamically, and modified / debugged
> dynamically using the Pharo tools.  The result, at least as far as iOS is
> concerned, may make Pharo actually the most powerful way to program it,
> well beyond XCode alone, along with doing the same for MacOS.

It would be really interesting to see a blog post and/or video of working
like this with OS level objects.
Also its something that might capture the curiosity of hackers outside the
Pharo community.

cheers -ben

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