> On 10 Nov 2017, at 11:18, Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 10 Nov 2017, at 04:05, Pavel Krivanek <pavel.kriva...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:pavel.kriva...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> 2017-11-09 23:50 GMT+01:00 Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:esteba...@gmail.com>>:
>> I think this is two different problems:
>> 1. pharo itself supporting different languages/keyboards, etc.
>> 2. pharo allowing the development of i18n applications
>> I think we still need to work on point 1, but for point 2 we already have 
>> gettext package, which is a standard we can/should use. Maybe that needs to 
>> be better documented (as everything), but well… we have a solution there :)
>> Will we include it into the standard image?
> No. The whole idea with PharoExtras was “there are packages we care about and 
> we want to make them available, but there is no reason to keep them *in* 
> image”.
> I do not see why we should change that policy. 
> Now, we definitively need better documentation about it.

But having I18 support is not bad… e.g. there are many programs out there that 
provide translated menus.
It would not be completely a bad idea to do that for Pharo, too.


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