I liked it. Actually I thought it was Richard's most balanced piece to date
- except the poke in the cl paragraph.  Something softer like "Pharo might
not be right for you, but its worth taking a look at"  would be better.

And for spreading the word, perhaps controversy is better than being
ignored - hard to know though.
Duty calls... https://xkcd.com/386/

btw, in the linked study interesting to see that Excel has even better
function point efficiency than Smalltalk - which reminds me, Excel provides
a workable "Image" analogy. The data shares the same file as the code.

cheers -ben

On 16 November 2017 at 17:07, Pavel Krivanek <pavel.kriva...@gmail.com>

> Please, please, please, stop to write such kind of articles. You are doing
> a really bad service to us. You can help to Pharo in many other ways. You
> will not convince people to use Pharo by spitting on everything else.
> One fixed typo has incomparably bigger value than blogpost like this.
> -- Pavel
> 2017-11-16 5:13 GMT+01:00 horrido <horrido.hobb...@gmail.com>:
>> Why Pharo Might be the Future of Software Development
>> <https://blog.appacademy.io/pharo-future-software-development/>
>> Spread the word.
>> --
>> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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