On 18/06/2018 17:27, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
> Hi Cyril - I have to confess that I don’t recall what the steps are to safely 
> commit in Monticello. I have smallish changes to 2 packages Core and Spec, 
> and I can see that smalltalkhub repo in the MC browser and can browse my 
> changes against it - but how do I commit both packages in there? I vaguely 
> recall something about slices - but wasn’t that a Pharo core thing?
> I get the impression that I don’t just press save on each package against 
> sthub do I?
> Sorry to be so dumb - I’ve just swapped out Monticello usage for Git usage 
> these days.  Just need a few hints to get back on track

You need to save the two packages individually.

While git is project oriented, StHub is package oriented.

Slices are only for Pharo development. (One could adapt them to make
Monticello more project oriented but it is currently not the case).

So in conclusion, yes you need to press save on each package. :)

> Tim

Cyril Ferlicot

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