tl;dr:  I have some ideas about more advanced Pharo tutorials, and I have an
example that I would like to have reviewed/critiqued before I develop it any

I've been thinking lately that it would be nice to expand the number of
Pharo tutorials we have available.  But rather than (or along with) creating
more "beginner" level tutorials, I'd like to see some good "intermediate"
level Pharo tutorials.  I think that programmers who already know the Pharo
syntax and messaging semantics could benefit from more advanced tutorials
that demonstrate how to develop "real world" Pharo code for "real world"
processing needs.

What I'm talking about is something that assumes you know the language, the
basics of the IDE (but not necessarily how to leverage its capabilities to
aid development), and the basics of the foundation classes (but not its
details).  I'd like a tutorial for intermediate Pharo programmers who want
to become experts with Pharo.  Something that can show you how to apply the
tools of the IDE and the features of the language and base classes to create
solutions that solve complex problems.

What does the community think of this idea?


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