Back on the 'Intermediate Tutorials' question...

I would love to see intermediate tutorials on Spec2 and Seaside.... and
perhaps how to best adapt an (Sp)Application to serve both 'presenters'
with guidelines on what responsibility goes where on the
presenter/component, application, and model(s).

What I found most useful in tutorials is specific examples. To me, generic
examples can be too easily misunderstood - making them difficult to
(re)apply.  A specific example, even if silly, can really make a
difference... i.e. I'm never going to create a GUI based on the
Class/method hierarchy and I find it very difficult to apply those examples
(although they are slick) to my application needs.

I love looking at how other people approach problems, identify solutions (I
can't wait to dig into the logic-puzzle code).  This mailing list is great,
but more - and more advanced - tutorials would be very much appreciated!


On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 11:45 PM tbrunz <> wrote:

> So I decided to write an application to solve the Zebra Puzzle, by solving
> this type of problem in general.  In Pharo, of course.
> I worked out a few basic algorithms for making deductions and inferences,
> and coded them, along with tests, in Pharo 8.  Now I've reached the point
> of
> having a working "proof of concept" or prototype.  It can't (yet) solve the
> Zebra Puzzle without some "human assistance", but it does keep track of the
> solution state as it progresses, it handles the bookkeeping, makes the
> basic
> deductions/inferences, and produces reports.
> And I've used it to quickly solve the Zebra Puzzle.  I coded the solution
> as
> a separate class/method, with extra rules inserted that I was able to infer
> by iterating to partial solutions, so that it solves the entire thing.  It
> will interesting to develop the remaining algorithms, and it would be nice
> to eventually create a nice, interactive user interface for it as well.
> Since I want to fashion this into an intermediate-level tutorial, I need
> feedback on what I have so far.  I don't want my inexperience to lead to me
> teaching the wrong techniques, etc. to other developers who are learning
> Pharo.  What I have can no doubt be improved, but I need to hear from the
> master craftsman in this community what parts are compromised and how (and
> why) it can be made a better example of "how to program in Pharo" properly.
> If anyone has the time and is willing to help, the code (complete with
> class
> & method comments, test classes/methods, and the Zebra Puzzle example) is
> here:
> and I'm available to answer
> questions
> about it, of course.
> --
> Sent from:

Russ Whaley

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