Having solved a number of these problems in my youth, I tried to solve this
one "by hand".  But with 6 attributes of 5 properties each, the
"bookkeeping" task was too difficult to deal with while trying to find a
consistent solution.

It turns out that it's very easy to make an inconsistent conclusion, and
it's also difficult to 'unwind' a mistake (if you can figure out where you
made your mistake.)  After I failed and restarted the puzzle several times
in a row, I thought about one of my mantras: "Let humans do the things that
humans are good at, and computers do the things that computers are good at."

After all, computers are designed to good at processing large amounts of
data without confusion or mistakes (assuming the software developers are
competent -- and use good tools).  So why not a computer program that can
solve this puzzle?

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