
Here are some additional notes to what was already answered.

If you want to convert all the files of a repository at once to avoid to have 
multiple PR with format changes you can use this script and commit the 
resulting files:

| projectName |
projectName := 'Spec2'.
repository := IceRepository repositories detect: [ :repo | repo name = 
projectName ].
repository workingCopy packages do: [ :pkg |
IceLibgitTonelWriter forInternalStoreFileOut: pkg latestVersion mcVersion on: 
repository ]

Also, if you work on a project both in p12 and p11, you can avoid the ping pong 
by fixing a version of tonel in the properties file. The file to update is the 
.properties that is in the source folder and it should look like this:

        #format : #tonel,
        #version: #'1.0'

P12 will take into account the tonel version asked and use it. In previous 
version of Pharo, this additional line will be ignored and Tonel v1 will be 

With both of those options it should be possible to reduce the pain of the 
format update.

Have a nice day

Cyril Ferlicot-Delbecque

On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:21 PM, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:

> Asking this here as it didn’t get much traction on Discord - but with the 
> move to P12, the category format in Tonel has changed from a symbol to a 
> string e.g. { #category : #examples } vs { #category : 'examples' } - this 
> causes mega noise when submitting tiny PR's - how is everyone else handling 
> this? Should projects resave every project module to get the new format while 
> people are out of the pool? Or is there a way to force the old format on 
> specific projects until they can be upgraded ?
> It seems like a change whose consequences need some attention ?
> What are others doing?
> Tim

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