Hey Cyril - as mentioned on Discord, thanks for advising and sorting this out 
(for the bigger changes in P13 - it will be useful to get something in the 
release notes - but definitely don't want to stand in the way of progress)!.


On Mon, 13 May 2024, at 1:55 PM, Cyril FERLICOT-DELBECQUE via Pharo-users wrote:
> I added some documentation here: 
> https://github.com/pharo-open-documentation/pharo-wiki/blob/master/General/ExportFormats.md#tonel-versions
> I hope this helps :)
> --
> Cyril Ferlicot-Delbecque
> https://ferlicot.fr
> On Monday, May 13th, 2024 at 12:55 PM, stephane ducasse 
> <stephane.duca...@inria.fr> wrote:
>> Cyril 
>> could you add that in the wiki somewhere. I will publish something on pharo 
>> weekly.
>> S
>>> On 13 May 2024, at 05:45, Cyril FERLICOT-DELBECQUE via Pharo-users 
>>> <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Here are some additional notes to what was already answered.
>>> If you want to convert all the files of a repository at once to avoid to 
>>> have multiple PR with format changes you can use this script and commit the 
>>> resulting files:
>>> | projectName |
>>> projectName := 'Spec2'.
>>> repository := IceRepository repositories detect: [ :repo | repo name = 
>>> projectName ].
>>> repository workingCopy packages do: [ :pkg |
>>> IceLibgitTonelWriter forInternalStoreFileOut: pkg latestVersion mcVersion 
>>> on: repository ]
>>> Also, if you work on a project both in p12 and p11, you can avoid the ping 
>>> pong by fixing a version of tonel in the properties file. The file to 
>>> update is the .properties that is in the source folder and it should look 
>>> like this:
>>> {
>>> #format : #tonel,
>>> #version: #'1.0'
>>> }
>>> P12 will take into account the tonel version asked and use it. In previous 
>>> version of Pharo, this additional line will be ignored and Tonel v1 will be 
>>> used.
>>> With both of those options it should be possible to reduce the pain of the 
>>> format update.
>>> Have a nice day
>>> --
>>> Cyril Ferlicot-Delbecque
>>> https://ferlicot.fr
>>> On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:21 PM, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Asking this here as it didn’t get much traction on Discord - but with the 
>>>> move to P12, the category format in Tonel has changed from a symbol to a 
>>>> string e.g. { #category : #examples } vs { #category : 'examples' } - this 
>>>> causes mega noise when submitting tiny PR's - how is everyone else 
>>>> handling this? Should projects resave every project module to get the new 
>>>> format while people are out of the pool? Or is there a way to force the 
>>>> old format on specific projects until they can be upgraded ?
>>>> It seems like a change whose consequences need some attention ?
>>>> What are others doing?
>>>> Tim
>> Stéphane Ducasse
>> http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr
>> 06 30 93 66 73
>> "If you knew today was your last day on earth, what would you do 
>> differently? ....ESPECIALLY if, by doing something different, today might 
>> not be your last day on earth.” Calvin & Hobbes

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