He is also correct, it is original paint. It is not a copy of paint, it is original paint right out of a can and/or tube, and it is old. Now how old is not defined. To some 10 years is old to others one thousand is young. He is not claiming that this decoration was applied contemporaneously by Edison, he is just leaving the gullible to make that assumption. As the clear coat finish is cracked it was not done last week though.

Everything on eBay is "RARE L@@K!"

On 04/09/2011 07:44 PM, Vinyl Visions wrote:

Mike, the reason that the seller "knows" that is obvious in his statement:

Like most eBay items it starts with a statement of authenticity:
"Extremely rare!
Body and case are wood, painted black, with gold trim on base and rose flowers 
and daisy on case.
I have been collecting antiques for over forty years from coast to coast.
This is the only one I have ever seen."

So this is how he "knows" the paint is original:
"HE has NEVER seen one." :)

Neither has anyone else, so maybe there is a reason for that... it is a one-off 
previous owner painted machine.
It could have been painted by the original owner, shortly after it left the 
factory and the paint would be
"period authentic" - 100 + yrs. old. The thing that looked non-factory, is that 
the flower design on the horn
and the flower design on the case, were similar but not the same design/style. 
The horn had the same gold
scroll work added as on the base - not a difficult task for an artist.

Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2011 11:55:15 -0700
From: smst...@gmail.com
To: phono-l@oldcrank.org
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] eBay GEM - Is this real?

Ward an interesting comment. How would the seller know that?

On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 11:21 AM, Ward Sandstrom<w...@bis.midco.net>  wrote:

I contacted the seller days ago and he said that as far as he knows the
paint was applied at the factory. He didn't put my question and his answer
back in his auction. Ward S.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Rich"<rich-m...@octoxol.com>
To: "Antique Phonograph List"<phono-l@oldcrank.org>
Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2011 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] eBay GEM - Is this real?

  Some of these enhancements were done in the early 50s, and during the
depression to improve mail order saleability of used phonos. To tell what
you are looking at you would have to be doing paint analysis to date it.
Does not realy look Factory though.

On 04/09/2011 11:23 AM, Steve Andersen wrote:

I believe it was not done at the factory. Usually the factory would put
special guilt on the casting, not the case. Either a jobber or an artistic
owner did this.

On Apr 9, 2011, at 11:20 AM, Vinyl Visions wrote:

I found an auction for an Edison GEM, with rose flowered horn and
decorated case which matches and appears to be old...

Question: did Edison ever produce a machine with a flowered case to
match the horn - seller claims it to be VERY rare?
eBay Item number:    230604577714

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