You should be able to play 2-minute CELLULOID cylinders, but I wouldn't try wax cylinders, which would probably get cut down the middle of the groove by the smaller H stylus point. I have an Edison "R" on a Red Gem, and use it all the time to play celluloid 2-minutes (Indestructibles & Everlastings) and have noticed no wear or black debris on the stylus.

I have a Columbia BK with 2/4 gearing, but it came with a Dictaphone reproducer, darn it. It does play both 2 & 4 records with reduced volume, but I rarely use it. Also have a very nice BQ, from the 4 minute era; the sound is excellent, but it's only a 2-minute machine. If I could combine the 2 machines, I would.

PS - Please, do write your story!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ken aka: OnATorrent" <>

If I do have an Edison H Stylus put in my Lyric reproducer by Steven Medved, would I still be able to play 2 minute record with out damage to them? The Edison 4 minute diamond stylus doesn't work on Edison 2 minute records, does it? I have always used a K reproducer so I can switch between 2 and 4 minute cylinders.
Kenneth Keeton

PS: Sometime I will have to post here the story of how I just happened to walk in to collecting phonographs and how it was for me at an early age. I feel I have a very interesting story that goes to show how wonderful our collecting community is.

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