On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 11:14:38PM +0300, Zeev Suraski wrote:
> At 23:06 2/5/2001, Troels Arvin wrote:
> >Note that there was no such problem with PHP 4.0.4pl1 and earlier.
> That's very odd, as PHP never considered \r alone to be a linefeed...

IIRC, Mac's use \r as an end-of-line. They don't know of \n as do pc's.

Jo Giraerts
Development Services Engineer
VA Linux Professional Services Europe
Interleuvenlaan 15A, 3001 LEUVEN, BELGIUM
icq:81939849, email:[EMAIL PROTECTED], ph0ne:+32(0)475/437719 

    I've got these opium queens that move around my space, 
    I said it's waste not, want not, 
    I think I'll take another, 
    I'm holding all this pain that I'm trying to smother.
                                                                <branvan3000 - 

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