At 01:45 PM 5/2/2001 -0700, PHP development @echospace wrote:
> > The editor only puts \r without \r\n? Wow, I've never seen a system
> > that  does that :) Were all Mac's like that?
>I did. Several times. Unfortunately.
> > Are you sure you weren't using a different editor?
> > Isn't there a way for you to save as "\n" or "\r\n"?
>And, though you probably can save with "\r\n" instead, I'd rather
>see php handle "\r" properly. Does that sound feasible?

We can make the Zend scanner handle it but the rest of PHP & Zend still 
have \n in certain places.
If I commit a patch do you know how to check out and test the CVS tree?


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