On Fri, Oct 19, 2001 at 09:24:51AM +0200, Hartmut Holzgraefe wrote:
> Stig Venaas wrote:
> well, the current SMTP implementation in win/sendmail.c is,
> lets say, at least suboptimal
> it misses a lot of requirements from the RFCs (821/822 or the
> newer 2821/2822), e.g. case insensitive headers, handling of
> lines beginning with a '.', limited message size ...
> so while having a common codebase for mail() using SMTP on
> UNIX *and* Win32 is definetly a good thing it might be worth
> to have a look at different SMTP implementations to integrate
> for that
> improving this situation has been on my list for quite a while
> (see the error assignments on bugs.php.net) but i still have
> no working Win32 dev. system :(

Same here. I didn't change anything for Windows (except moving the
file), since I haven't got a Windows dev system. The implementation
could certainly be improved, that would be much easier for me to do
by also using it for UNIX. While I do agree to some extent with
Rasmus, the changes are relatively small, and the default will be
to use external mailer.

The reason I'm looking at this now, is to avoid having separate
sendmail setup for webservers chroot environment. I suppose could
use something more trivial than sendmail as the external mailer.
This is no big thing to me, I'll help implement it if people want
it, otherwise I'll go on to more useful things.

> hope to get that installed and configured on the conference
> next month, there should be enugh man and brain power around
> in Frankfurt by that time ...

Hmm, maybe I should do that...


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