On Fri, Oct 26, 2001 at 04:05:41PM +0900, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote : 
> When I start using PHP, I was currious why there is no <?php= ?> 
> while there are <?= ?> and <%= %>.
> I realized, <?php= ?> syntax is really easy to implement while I 
> was looking for what's wrong in memory management.
> I think <?php= ?> syntax is nice to have, since it can work with 
> any php configuration. I also think programming language better to 
> be symetric whenever possible. (If there are <?=, <%=, why not <?php=)

+1 on this too. So you can write portable scripts (short tag may
be disabled) and still can use the short form for output data.

- Markus

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