> Well, George Schlossnagle already proposed to submit APC and other
> useful extensions for inclusion in PHP.
> http://news.php.net/article.php?group=php.dev&article=64437
> At the time, it was not done because Zeev said it would be necessary to
> add a directory in PHP tree for extensions that modify the behaviour of
> Zend engine and it would require a volunteer to do so.

Actually the proposal was to generate a document section for 
zend_extensions, which I offered to take up and never got around to (bad 
george).  Inclusion of actual zend_extensions in the code base was 

> http://news.php.net/article.php?group=php.dev&article=64471
> George volunteered to do it, but there seems to be no response to his
> offer after that.
> http://news.php.net/article.php?group=php.dev&article=64515
> So, could George extensions be added to PHP now? Was that directory
> created or it still needs a volunteer to do it?
> Regards,
> Manuel Lemos
> --
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