Manuel Lemos wrote:

>>If it still look too expansive to you, compared to the free perl compiler,
>>there is also a perl compiler that costs $5,000...
>Alain, be serious, Java compilers cost nothing. I know for a fact that a
>lot of people are discarding PHP because there is not an officially
>supported and free solution to compiler and distribute PHP application
>binaries when in Java and other languages that is a natural thing.
>This means that people drop PHP when they realize that it isn't as easy
>to protect their code to sell their applications. Until PHP developers
>realize that it is important to make it easy for PHP users to sell their
>applications, PHP will be seen as a less appealing solution.

As an aside, Cold Fusion seems to be a popular choice amongst many 
people, yet I'm not aware of
a 'compiler' option for it.  Does it exist, or am I just missing something?

It seems because there are a few standard JVMs, you can 'compile' Java 
and have it work on any of them.  
With the Zend Engine system, I need to also make sure my decompiler 
(APC) is installed in that server environment,
meaning it's one more thing for people to setup.  And with the 
incompatibilities of running, say, APC and Zend Optimizer
together, there's just confusion and I dare say a bit of frustration 
being created.

It'd be great if I could run APC and Zend Optimizer together, so people 
could run 'compiled' scripts from APC or
Zend Encoder on one server, but I don't think that'll ever happen.  At 
least not with the current
Zend Engine in PHP.

Perhaps (and I know it's been said before) what is needed is an open 
engine that could interpret and
execute PHP separately from the Zend engine (although they've done a 
really good job at speed!)

There was someone writing PHP->C converter sometime back - did that ever 
pan out?  Any URLs for that?

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