On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 22:08, Zeev Suraski wrote:
> At 21:36 13/03/2002, Shane Caraveo wrote:
> > > I thought we weren't wasting any more time with this? :)
> >
> >Yeah, I'm getting realy tired of having to argue for something that should
> >be a base part of the language.
> Kodus on the tactics :)

I understand Shane's point of view very well here.  PHP _needs_ a way of
loading modules at runtime, not some half-solution like preloading from
php.ini or directories where everything is preloaded.  I had given up on
this one until Shane popped out of the woodwork.

What I don't understand is your insisting on that dynamically loading
extensions at runtime in PHP is not possible, when it is possible in for
example Perl running as a MT server plugin.  It just doesn't make
sense.  If you don't have enough interest in runtime loading to find
time to implement it, that's fine, but please say so instead of fighting
the whole idea.  Both Shane and I have enough interst to make an effort.

 - Stig

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