At 12:25 11/03/2002 -0800, Shane Caraveo wrote:
> > At 11:42 11/03/2002 +0200, Marko Karppinen wrote:
> > >Shane wrote:
> > >
> > > > I think dl is an extremely important feature, and issues surrounding
> > > > should be fixed.
> > >
> > >I'm absolutely, positively +1 on this.
> > >
> > >On the Mac OS X side of things, we are in the interesting situation of
> >
> > Apple should be using php.ini for extensions and not require the user to
> > call dl() wich is sucky.
> > I still am not quite sure why it's such a big deal to add shared
> > to php.ini.
> > I don't agree that PHP extensions necessarily require dl(). There are many
> > programs out there in the computer industry (such as Apache) which require
> > you to add extensions in an INI file.
>I don't see this as an Apple issue at all, though from the comments I guess
>it could fix an issue for that platform as well.
>The issue to me is a matter of usability.  I want to have a single
>installation of PHP, but may have many different situations under which I
>use that installation.  Perhaps one application uses modules x, y and z
>extensively, another uses a, b and c extensively, and perhaps d very rarely.
>Lets say neither uses extensions the other app uses.  The current situation
>is that I must load all extensions in php.ini irregardless of use, or I must
>use -c to specify an ini file, etc.  I prefer not to load extensions unless
>I really need them, but PHP simply does not provide an easy effective means
>to do that.  Perl and Python both do and you never have to think about
>messing with an ini file.  I think far PHP has put far too much reliance on
>the ini file.

I don't know many production installations where all extensions wouldn't be 
dl()'ed within a few seconds even if there are what you call *rarely* used 
scripts. I think your examples are theoretical and the ini change can be 
done quite easily even by a dumb automatic installation script.
In any case, I still think a solution can be found I just don't have any 
concrete ideas on how to fix it.
By the way, you mentioned perl as an example. I have no idea how perl works 
in multi-threaded environments but if you say it works very nicely with 
perl & multi-threaded servers then I take your word for it.


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