On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Brian Foddy wrote:

> That is exactly my point.  I no more than read the encouraging report that
> its been identified and is close to a fix, and the next message says
> 4.2 has been released.
> It couldn't have waited just another week to get this fix in and tested?

Because we wait for everything, we never get any release out of the door. 
Apache 2 was released half-way through the Release Cycle, and it is itself 
not even stable yet. Actually, I dont see the big deal of this.

> Looking at the 4.2 announcement on the web page states...
> The Apache Software Foundation recently released their first General
> Availability version of Apache 2. PHP 4.2.0 will have EXPERIMENTAL support
> for this version. You can build a DSO module for Apache 2 with
> --with-apxs2. We do not recommend that you use this in a production
> environment
> Experimental kinda implies that its at least usuable and might be
> fun to play with.  Not recommending for production is a long ways
> from saying ohh, I guess it will coredump on startup...

It didn't coredump for me on startup.

> Believe me, I'm a developer too, and I know the pressure (internal
> and external) to get a new release out.  But this looks to me that
> with the much touted Apache 2 compatibility in this version, it
> could have waited just a little longer.

As I said, we can't wait for everything, and thus we need to to 'rush' our 
own development cycle because of others.


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