Brad Lafountain wrote:
> Ok, 
>  But take ext/domxml it requires a newerversion of libxml2. I didn't have it
> installed on my machine when i installed php. If we bundle say a specfic
> version of libxml2 that domxml depends on, then it won't matter how fast pased
> the development is, ext/domxml won't use it. We can obvisouly peridocially
> upgrade the version that is bundled and you can have an override if you want to
> use a different version that is installed on a system. As xml gets more and
> more popular i feel that domxml will be more and more popular.
>  "Build outta the box"

+1 for libxml2 bundle. This already discussed, isn't this?

ext/xml/libxml2 ?
Odd location, but domxml support without xml does not
make much sense to me.

Yasuo Ohgaki

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