At 07:50 PM 8/18/2002 +0200, Thies C. Arntzen wrote:
>On Sun, Aug 18, 2002 at 10:29:47AM -0700, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> > I don't think we should stop people from tweaking ZE1. ZE2 is probably
> > more than a year away from realistically being available to a lot of
> > people. It takes a while for people to upgrade, and many will skip the .0
> > release.  If a few tweaks to ZE1 can eliminate peoples' motivation to move
> > to ZE2, then why are you writing ZE2?  I obviously don't think that is the
> > case as ZE2 has a number of features people have been asking for.
>     i (of course) agree with derick and rasmus. i'm all for
>     applying the patch as is. if zeev and andi don't want to
>     comment on it for their own reasons i cannot help them. if
>     the patch has a problem it'll be found very soon and it'll
>     be fixed.

This isn't a conspiracy but I just completely forgot about your Email. 
Obviously if it is decided that this patch goes into Engine 1 I will look 
it over. The last thing I'd do was to allow a buggy patch to enter the Engine.

>     if there is any *technical* reason why this patch is "not as
>     good" as the debug_backtrace that is in ZE2 - let me know.
>     otherwise i'll commit on monday.

I don't think that there are any big technical reasons not to include the 
patch although it might be a bit buggy though as it hasn't been tested very 

I do think you guys should consider the psychological aspects of starting 
to back port my patches from Engine 2.
I personally think that the ZE2 is essential for PHP to prosper in the next 
few years. The only way it can be pushed is if not only Zeev and I but 
other people in the community help push it too. It was mentioned that there 
are a couple of things still missing. I can sum it up that the two main 
features which are missing are some inheritence problems with nested 
classes, private methods and a delegation mechanism which was discussed on 
engine2 for which came up with a pretty decent way of doing which stays 
with the PHP spirit. These things will be implemented and there is no 
reason to wait until they are fully implemented in order to start pushing 
things a bit more. I started with a couple of alpha's and I definitely want 
to go for another one soon as I fixed some bugs.

In the same way we didn't back port some ideas from PHP 4 to PHP 3 I think 
it's best not to do it now. Because in the end, once we (php-dev) 
transitions to ZE2 our support will naturally start shifting more and more 
towards the latest versions (the same as it did in the PHP 3 -> PHP 4 
transition). After sometime people on php-dev just won't feel like working 
on old stuff anymore. Therefore, I think we should make the benefit of 
transition to ZE2 as great as possible so that people migrate.
As to the comparison to Apache 2 I think you're far off. The PHP 3 -> PHP 4 
transition was much smoother than that and the ZE1 -> ZE2 transition isn't 
even between rewrites but just improvements over the old stable version. 
Once a significant amount of people use it I think it'll take 2-3 months to 
iron out the bugs.


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