This is getting a little more complicated than I think is necessary.
There are two issues here, I think:

a) Fonts.  Some people didn't like Arial, so I reverted to letter the
browser decide.  Some people didn't like that, and they'd like the font
specifications back in.

I'm going to add the font specifications back in again.  I like Arial,
personally, but I will put Verdana as the first font.  This is in
keeping with the look of anyway, so I can justify it.  There is
nothing stopping anyone from specifying "use my own fonts" in their

b) Charsets.  I don't pretend to know what the charset deciding code in
ext/standard/info.c is trying to do.  I guess it's looking to see if
your browser supports multi-byte charsets, or what encoding you prefer
... and then defaulting to US-ASCII if nothing else works.  Seemed
reasonable to me.

I suppose, what Yasuo has pointed out, is that some (many? all?)
multibyte fonts or versions of those fonts don't support the HTML entity
encoding that is used on some of the phpinfo() pages ... mainly people's
names in the credits pages, but also any < or > or " that show up in
other data.  These need to be encoded *somehow* if the page is to be
XHTML compatible, and I'm not about to implement utf8_encode() in C.  :)

I don't know what the solution to this is.  My instinct is to ask "why
don't we just hardcode the pages to use US-ASCII, or ISO-8859-1?"  Would
this not solve the charset issues?

- Colin

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