I thought that we have agreed that you should revert the patch. You can now 
change the default behavior by both ini_set() and .the -d switch if you don't 
like the default.


On Thursday 24 October 2002 00:27, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
> Derick Rethans wrote:
> > On Wed, 23 Oct 2002, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
> >>Yes, since it should not set in php_cli.c.
> >>It's a lot confusing, bad thing to do with current code,
> >>inefficient, bad default, etc.
> >
> > It's a very good default
> Derick,
> It's a very _bad_ default. Fortunately, it's not released yet.
> That's why I'm against it strongly.
> IMO, flushing on every output by default is stupid setting.
> If you ever programmed interactive programs, you should know
> that unless you're ignorant about efficiency.
> I guess my questions are too hard to be understood by you
> compare to the last one. Derick, it seems you're alone so far.
> http://news.php.net/article.php?group=php.dev&article=89995
> Do you finally realize your argument actually did not make sense?
> (Unless you need stupid PHP/CLI shell that requires start/end tag
> to do anything, of course ;)
> I'm going to fix it again unless many people want to make
> PHP/CLI behave like a shell rather than programming language.
> Alternatively, could you fix it again? (including Makefile.global)
> Thank you and I hope this is the last mail about this.
> PS: If you would like to write INI independent scripts, I
> suggest you to use php.ini-recommended at least. You don't/
> didn't know phps crashing and make test does not work well with
> php.ini-recommended, nonetheless, you're insisting there is no
> problems.

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