Well, I certainly don't want errors handled this way for my web apps.  And
you would be hard pressed to find 2 people on this list that agree exactly
how to do it which is why PHP provides you with the tools to do it any way
you want.


On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Mattia wrote:

> I think in a modern web application the error handling function should do
> the following:
> in case of error (any: parse error, internal application error,....)
> 1. a message should be shown to the user sayng that an error has occured
> like "an internal error has occured. the webmaster has been notified via
> email"
> 2. a more detailed message should be logged in a generic system ErrorLog, or
> notified via email or fax, or telephone, or SMS. Depending on the severity
> of the error (warning, fatal,...)
> All this done with PHP error handling function (this is not to male
> distinction between PHP error and application internal error), and the
> ErrorLog kept via system/server methods (like syslogd). The message shown to
> the user should be accompained by an HTTP 500 (or more) error. This to make
> clear to human users that an error has occured therefore the request cannot
> be fulfilled, and if the cliens is another computer (robot,...) to make it
> as well (computer look at error codes rather than at things written for
> humans.
> I know this is possible now, but not within the error handling function of
> PHP, or without setting a custom error handler.
> Mattia Cazzola
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