>> Can't argue with that, however (;)), I find it annoying that 
>PHP stops 
>> processing if there is a parse error passed to an eval() 
>command. I'd 
>> like a way to make eval() just return E_PARSE if the script 
>passed to 
>> it fails.

This is exactly the type of situation where E_PARSE really bothers me as
well.. Although no one likes eval(), and it seems to me it is become
more and more of a security-risk and less and less useful... The last
time I've actually seen it implemented in a useful way (that couldn't be
done in a better way) was in PHPLIB. Then again, maybe I'm not coding
things that would need such a function :)
>>   $code_str(implode("", file("include.inc")));
>>   if (php_valid($code_str)) {
>>     include_once("include.inc");
>>   }
>That would be hard, as the zend_compile function which runs the parse 
>also adds the functions, so if the code parses it includes it right 
>away. Again, for this one we _could_ not abort the script, but in the 
>case of include files I'd like to see it die hard again. eval() is 
>something different in a logical way, but the implementation 
>in the zend 
>engine is about the same.

What about require'd files?

Back on the note that I was discussing (the E_PARSE with a user
error-handler), Perhaps the issue can be slightly skirted without having
to code a whole lot... Specifically, what about simply re-directing the
user to another URL in the event of a fatal PHP error (as specified by a
directive)... Ie.


Where on a E_PARSE, or something similar, PHP basically does a C-version

<?php header("Location:  http://somewhere.com/error.php?errno=4";); ?>

This way, users who don't care can still re-direct a browser to a nice
and pretty "sorry, the server is really screwed" HTML page... Or, if
they'd like, they can simply take that error number and create a
error-handler in PHP without us having to bother with the problems
surrounding a bad parser-state...


> Derick Rethans                                   
> JDI Media Solutions
>if you hold a unix shell to your ear, do you hear the c? ]-

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