>uhm, John, we dont have a E_PARSE yet. 

It's late... I actually stared at that sentence for about 30 seconds
trying to determine if I had spelled PARSE wrong... Then I actually went
and checked the manual to make sure I hadn't lost my mind and there was
actually a E_PARSE constant... Now I'm just confused as to what the heck
your talkin' about Derick :)

>I stil see not why you would want to handle PARSE errors 
>gracefully. If 
>a user has broken code it should not even be on a production box. Bad 
>code -> dead site. 

Can't argue about broken code not being a production box. However,
dealing with errors in code cleanly (regardless of the problem) is more
than just an internal PHP problem. Having a solid way to gracefully
bow-out because my cat managed to open, fill with junk, and save a
critical include file would just be nice. The choice between the blank
screen, or a nasty error message isn't a good one... I'd personally love
to have a "sorry, our site is hosed" error page... If for nothing else
then piece of mind... 

On a secondary note, as Rasmus pointed out when Mattia first suggested
his ideas for error handling, everyone's got their own method. This
seems like a reasonable and easy way to allow Mattia to SMS, Fax, Call,
log, whatever on a critical error without forcing the rest of the PHP
community to conform to an entirely new way of doing business.


> Derick Rethans                                   
> JDI Media Solutions
>if you hold a unix shell to your ear, do you hear the c? ]-
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