On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 20:46:32 -0500 "Ilia A." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > ???? Hello?/?? we're talking about errors here, not page content.
> > Hopefuly that does not become the same :)
> Actually I am talking in users using their native language to name their 
> functions & variables and actually write them in that language. So, a person 
> could use ISO-8859-15 encoding or cp1251 encoding because afterall it is 
> easier to understand the code that way.

OK :)

> > When you get an error while developing, seeing it in your own language,
> > whichever it is - English, Chinese, Russian or Japanese - it will be the
> > language you will set it to and thus the best for you, developer. What's
> > so wrong with that?
> Because when I work on a server where the language is set to Japanese which, I 
> unfortunately do not know, I will have no idea what the error is.

Well, in this case you would just add locales like you do with dates, for

> > And you, without speaking Italian, will be just as helpful to him.
> Wrong, I've read the first 5 words, the lexical parser in my head failed to 
> interpret the message and accordingly I've moved on. Maybe someone will be 
> more patient, but that is unlikely. Eventually someone may indeed look and 
> address the report, but that may take weeks and possibly months for a problem 
> I may or some other person could've addressed right away had it been in 
> English. Bottom line is that people who are not getting payed to do support 
> will apply minimum effort to understand the user, remember most open source 
> developers are volunteers, making their life difficult certainly is not in 
> the user's best interest.

Again, having error codes gives and solves more than adds problems.

> > I don't think so. There are much less error strings than manual pages -
> > these got tranlsated well, and so will error string.
> Really? Let's see on average each function generates @ least one warning 
> message, so we have @least as many warnings as we have functions. Warning 
> messages get constantly re-arranged, by having a separate database for them 
> making changes to warning messages will become more complex then writing the 
> actual code. So, people will in many cases cut corners and just RETURN_FALSE; 
> without giving a detailed explanation. Most developers like to write code, 
> not modify XML files & and write essays for proof look @ 
> http://www.zend.com/phpfunc/statistics.php, according to that page ~14% of 
> all functions in PHP are not documented in the English language.

I don't agree with you, Ilia. Errors are string, even a part of the
documentation. They need to be also translated whether it does or does
not make a developer modifying an XML file. There can be several ways
accomplishing it.

I am more that just +1 for globalization or run time reporting.

Maxim Maletsky

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