On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Maxim Maletsky wrote:

> Derick Rethans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote... :
> > On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Maxim Maletsky wrote:
> > 
> > > It is just as true. But, there is also another side of the coin - having
> > > errors internationalized will sound like "PHP-translated" not only "DOCS
> > > translated" - an extra tool to tell that Open Source cares of usability.
> > 
> > I don't care what others think about the usability, I 
> > only know that adding these localized things brings more work for me 
> > when working on PHP.
> That sounds selfish of us, Derick.

It sure does sound like that, but what is wrong with that?

> PHP is an Open Source and has to compete with commercial applications
> where this is being one of the highest priorities, often even higher
> than overall performance. PHP has already accomplished remarkable
> performance and efficiency values, it also has done good job in
> usability. Only because coders will have to open an extra file when
> looking for an error string, should not mean that this programming
> language musts abandon these values.

Absolutely it should. We're not making it any less usable anyway by not 
adding localized errors.



 Derick Rethans                                 http://derickrethans.nl/ 
 PHP Magazine - PHP Magazine for Professionals       http://php-mag.net/

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