On Mon, 03 Feb 2003, Harald Radi wrote:
> it is not yet used anywhere, so we can still change it however we want. if you
> think it doesn't belong there we can even remove it, but i already needed that
> functionality in 3+ extensions and i guess you even will like it for your gtk
> stuff. i even have to review the thing as i don't think it that it works as
> expected right now, but i was in a hurry yesterday and made a skeleton for
> georgs mysqli extension which needed that functions.

Continuing from IRC discussion: why do we need extensions that provide
both function and object APIs for the same functionality? Are we trying
to emulate Perl or something? To me, that is introducing more confusion
for the sake of flexibility. I am strongly of the opinion that we should
stick to having it one way or the other.

-Andrei                                       http://www.gravitonic.com/

"Music expresses that which can not be said
 and on which it is impossible to be silent."
                         -Victor Hugo

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