On Mon, 03 Feb 2003, Harald Radi wrote:
> if $obj is an overloaded object $obj->method() would directly call the native
> implementation of method(), if it is a pear object, $obj->method() will result
> in a userspace method invokation that actually calls the native implementation
> adding a further level of indirection for each method call. for something like
> while($mysqli->fetch_row()) {} this could be an issue (though i don't know how
> much of an issue).

It's a difference between doing a call_user_function_ex() and invoking
the handler directly.

> you're missing the point. if i invoke a method i don't expect it to print a
> warning, i expect it to throw an exception (most likely) and imho this is the
> prevailing opinion in oo.

No, I'm not missing the point. How is this going to be achieved with
your approach? You have the same function handling both function and OO
API? Is it going to throw exception based on how it's called?

-Andrei                                       http://www.gravitonic.com/

The 3 great virtues of a programmer:
Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris. 
                        --Larry Wall

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