On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Sascha Schumann wrote:

>>     I wouldn't consider 3rd one that drastic.
>>     It has worked very well for me, I haven't got any spam
>>     to my php.net addy, but people who really wanted to send me
>>     email got through..
>    Well, maybe I am an exception, but I usually don't bother to
>    "register" myself anywhere, unless there is a really good
>    reason.  Thus, the proposed measure increases the bar for
>    contributions significantly.

    If I remember correctly, this 'registration' is just
    replying to single email, as you do when you subscribe to
    the list. Not that big deal, IMO. :)
>    We don't lose anything by giving the first two items some
>    time to prove their usefullness.  On the other hand, it is
>    very likely that we will lose useful input, if we implement
>    the third item prematurely.

    I can live with that. Let's see for couple of weeks how it works.

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