On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 3:52 PM, Michael Cullum <m...@michaelcullum.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Over the past 8 weeks, we [the secretaries] have had a number of voting
> members, former project representatives and well known community members
> alike approach us regarding a situation they believe is being detrimental
> to the continued success of the FIG and the harmony in the group. It is,
> essentially, the impact of Paul M Jones on the harmony of the mailing list
> and the impact his contribution is having on making this group welcoming or
> pleasant to be involved with.
> To avoid putting words in mouths but still convey the common grievances,
> we’ll quote from those who have complained:
>    -
>    “This individual is toxic to the group and is therefore directly
>    affecting the ability of the group to perform its aims”
>    -
>    “I believe this individual is the sole biggest cause of loss of
>    respect and members for the FIG”
>    -
>    “I stepped down as a voting representative due to this member”
>    -
>    “The presence of this individual makes me not want to contribute or
>    get involved with to the PHP FIG”
>    -
>    “My main problem with him is that every time I opened a threads lately
>    to read up, he's getting into some tantrum with other over small
>    meaningless things. Sometimes he might even be right but honestly I don't
>    even care whether he is right or wrong. They is just plainly disrupting the
>    FIG at this stage. He used to be annoying, but I was fine with that, this
>    is just disruptive though.”
> The following complainants said they are happy to be named (Nobody asked
> not to be named, but some we never asked if they were happy to be named):
>    -
>    Ross Tuck - Community figure
>    -
>    Larry Garfield - Drupal project representative
>    -
>    Graham Daniels - PHP League project representative
>    -
>    Fabien Potencier - Symfony project representative
>    -
>    Mike van Riel - PHPDoc project representative
>    -
>    Jordi Boggiano - Composer project representative
>    -
>    Anthony Ferrara - Community figure
>    -
>    Phil Sturgeon - Former project representative and community figure
>    -
>    Christopher Pitt - Former project representative and community figure
>    -
>    Rafael Dohms - Community figure
>    -
>    Marc Alexander - phpBB project representative
>    -
>    Cees-Jan Kiewiet - ReactPHP project representative
> In total the number of complaints about this individual totals about 20
> however there have also been other concerns aired about this individual
> publicly and a number of individuals who contacted us said they in turn had
> heard complaints about Paul from others; as a result of this, and being
> explicitly asked what we can do/to do something about this situation,
> including requests of this specific course of action we are starting this
> discussion on PMJ’s membership. It is not the role of the secretaries to
> handle this kind of thing or pass judgement on member projects so we are
> posting this topic to invite discussion from both sides of the table out in
> the open.
> We believe having this discussion going on for too long will not be
> conducive to the FIG so a vote [to request a new representative from Aura,
> which will result in Aura’s expulsion unless a new representative is
> provided] will then commence unless a conclusion has been reached agreeable
> by all sides before that point. That vote should then put an end to the
> current situation.
> To clarify further, this topic does not indicate the opinion of
> secretaries that this project representative should be expelled, but that
> we have been asked by a significant number of voting members and community
> members to do something about it so we are moving those complaints into
> public for discussion by voting members as we can do nothing but move the
> discussion and complaints to the mailing list for the attention of voting
> members.
> I know this is a difficult discussion to avoid making personal, but please
> try and keep it civil and respect self-throttling. People have requested we
> ensure we always have two week discussion periods before voting on matters
> which means that we will not lock this topic unless we have no other option
> open to us but will be issuing temporary mailing list bans on anyone not
> respecting rules about civility or self throttling; more than 3 responses
> in a 24 hour period will result in a 24 hour temporary ban, as will
> repeatedly making posts that cross boundaries into flaming. If rules are
> broken multiple times, we will increase the time period of bans.
> Many thanks,
> The Secretaries

Hey all,

Since my name was on the original list, I don't think I can simply sit here
in silence any longer.

There is one very specific point that nearly everyone has either missed or
chosen to ignore from the original thread raised by Michael: The original
call was not for expulsion. The original post was stating that there is a
problem that needs to be discussed. The only "official" resolution that the
secretaries can raise is expulsion, but the point of the original post was
to try to avoid that. The post even goes as far as to say that the
expulsion vote would only be used should a resolution not be reached in a
reasonable time.

I would like to point out that not a single person in this list has
suggested a resolution other than expulsion. In fact, many have either
stated that the problem doesn't exist at all or isn't a problem really or
that it's the other person's fault for not having a "thick enough skin" or
that this is just a distraction and to get back to just "doing stuff".

>From Paul himself, all we saw was "about 1/2 the people appear to be on my
side, so I'll take my chances with a vote".

Is this what this group has come to? Such divisionism that "you're either
with us or you're against us"...??? (to be clear, I think both sides of the
discussion are equally guilty of this)

You can have differing views (you must have them for a healthy community).
But you need to be able to make your points without derailing the
community. Larry's original reply was talking about the derailing nature of
the way Paul chooses to interact, not the content of it.

So I leave you with this: suggest an alternative remedy to the issues
brought up in this thread.


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