Can I address a question directly to the secretaries?

Your message here seems to imply an "aut aut": this thread should end with 
a vote about Paul's expulsion and nothing else.
I see on this thread many (me included, but I'm no voting member, so...) 
advocating a more useful and soft approach, something that is not censure, 
and that does not want to remove Paul from the FIG.
Is it possible to steer the FIG actions onto that path (with due vote if 
I think that a lot of voting members could agree to this.

Il giorno martedì 5 luglio 2016 22:08:34 UTC+2, Samantha Quiñones ha 
> I will briefly reiterate purpose of this thread. 
> This action is not about Paul vs the secretaries, nor is it about Paul vs 
> any individual in the community, nor is it about Paul's character in 
> general. This organization, which Michael and I serve as secretaries, has 
> been asked for an opportunity to discuss and vote solely on the future 
> disposition of Paul as a voting member of the FIG. I do not know how to put 
> it more plainly. When this discussion period is over, there will be a vote. 
> That vote will close the matter, whether the membership votes for or 
> against expulsion. The FIG does not have the desire or power to censure or 
> silence or chastise anyone. 
> If the membership votes to expel, the Aura project will be asked to name a 
> new representative, the matter will be closed, and we will do our best to 
> move on together. 
> If the membership votes against expulsion, then the matter will be closed, 
> and we will do our best to move on together. 
> If anyone has *any* doubt as to that fact, please feel free to contact me 
> directly. As far as I am concerned that is the full extent of the potential 
> outcomes of this action. I believe I speak for Michael when I say that 
> anything beyond those two possibilities is outside the scope of this 
> organization and will happen against its wishes and bylaws.
> With that said, please keep your comments on topic and remember to 
> self-throttle. I expect that all participants on this thread, voting 
> members and non-members alike, will behave professionally from this point 
> onward. Those who cannot control themselves will have their posting 
> privileges restricted.
> I understand that this is a difficult time for us. Remember that it is how 
> we weather difficult times that demonstrates the power of a community. I 
> have *NO* doubt that this community is strong enough to survive this 
> moment, no matter the outcome of this vote.
> Thank you,
> Samantha Quiñones

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