> On Aug 28, 2016, at 17:01, Christopher Pitt <cgp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> FIG has served its purpose and should be archived.
> You mean aside from the ongoing PSR work? The 10 or so PSRs, approved by 
> vote, to be worked on? Seems a bit premature to say FIG is purposeless and/or 
> useless...

"Ongoing" is true, but fails to capture the entirety of the situation, perhaps 
misleadingly so. Let's take a look at those 10 or so PSRs, roughly from what I 
will call "arguably least-active" to "arguably most-active".

- I think we can dispense with "8 Huggable Interface" as "a funny idea at the 
time" that should probably be withdrawn without vote.

- Regarding the following PSRs, I do not recall much recent activity on this 
list; perhaps they are being actively discussed elsewhere?  Some are new; 
others are years old.

    - 5 PHPDoc Standard
    - 9 Security Advisories
    - 10 Security Reporting Process
    - 14 Event Manager
    - 16 Simple Cache

  (Incidentally, each of these seems like a very good candidate for a *-interop 

- The following started as PSR drafts, and have since also become *-interop 

    - 15 HTTP Middlewares
    - 17 HTTP Factories

- There has been a welcome surge of recent activity on "11 Container 
Interface". Interestingly enough, it is already a *-interop project.

That leaves "12 Extended Coding Style Guide". In my opinion, that ought to be 
delayed until there are more in-the-field examples to draw from. (It might or 
might not make a good *-interop project.) However, there does seem to be 
regular activity on this list regarding it.

So, to say that there is ongoing work on 10 or so PSRs is true in the sense 
that there has been activity in the past, and we may expect activity in the 
future.  But it is not true in the sense that there is continuing, recent, and 
regular (not even monthly!) activity on them all. I think only 11, 15, and 17 
(and perhaps 12) meet that criteria; of those four, three are already *-interop 
projects, and I think would thrive even in the absence of the FIG.


Paul M. Jones

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