i used to think

     <table bgcolor="#ffffff">
     <td bgcolor="#eeeeee" width="300">
     Name :
     $name = 'johnny';
     printf("%s %s %s","<b>","$name","</b>");?>
     <td bgcolor="#eeeeee" width="300">
     Title :
     $title = 'smith';
     printf("%s %s %s","<b>","$title","</b>");?>

or more like :

     <table bgcolor="#ffffff">
     <td bgcolor="#eeeeee" width="300">
     Name :
     $name = 'johnny';
     echo $name; ?></b>
     <td bgcolor="#eeeeee" width="300">
     Title :
     $title = 'smith';
     echo $title; ?></b>

Yeah, there are more important things in life than money, but they won't go
out with you if you don't have any.

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