that may work for you, but it created a lot of overhead in your
applications, and anyone that doesn't know about you special "html api" will
be screwed...

by all means use whatever techniques you like in-house, but that would be
completely useless to someone in the "outside world"


> (comments)
> (include files)
> (page specific variables)
> html();
> head($title);
> head_css('stylesheet.css');
> head_script('script.js);
> x('head');
> body($style)
> table(0, 0, 0, '100%', '', BLACK);
> tr('top'); td(); image('fire.jpg'); x('td'); x('tr');
> x('table');
> x('body');
> x('html');

Alex Black, Head Monkey

The Turing Studio, Inc.


Saul Zaentz Film Center
2600 Tenth St Suite 433
Berkeley, CA 94710-2522

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