
So with the .htaccess you could enable trans sid. That's interesting to know. I guess you could just use the session and have a session check to require the person to have cookies. Most sites these days seem to require it.. mail.yahoo.com does, if you try and login without cookies you'll get a message. A lot of sites use the trans sid, because it makes it "work" if the user doesn't have cookies.

Thanks for the info

At 03:00 PM 3/22/2003 +1100, Justin French wrote:
on 22/03/03 4:39 AM, Adam - ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Just a thought about sessions, they still rely on cookies working, unless
> you pass the session id with every link on the page. If you set your
> php.ini file to automatically put the session id in ever link on your page,
> that's great, but what if you don't have access to the php.ini file which
> is common with shared hosting. I'v read somewhere that you can put a
> php.ini file with those settings in the current working directory and it
> will read in the settings from it. Is that true and would you have to put a
> copy of the ini file in every folder that you used in order for it to work??

That's sort-of right.

1. PHP would need to be compiled with enable trans sid first

2. You can override SOME php.ini values with a .htaccess file (placed in a
directory), but this is NOT a copy of the php.ini, it's a method of
overriding values.  You'd also need your ISP to grant you permission to run
such files.  They work from a certain directory down, so if you placed the
file in your doc root, it would apply recursivly down to each folder bewlow


<IfModule mod_php4.c>
    php_flag register_globals off
    php_flag magic_quotes_runtime on
    php_flag magic_quotes_gpc on

3. You can also override some php.ini values by using things like PHP's ini_set() function in your scripts.


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