It's really funny that this happened because not more than one week ago 
I was discussing the professionalism of this list with one of my 
co-workers.  I've been very happy with it, but I remember when I first 
joined it I asked a pretty dumb question and got slammed by a bunch of 
people because it was simple, but I was just overlooking the solution.  
It did make me feel like an idiot, but I dealt with it because this was 
a GREAT resource for all kinds of other information.  I'd have to say 
that this is one of the best, most informative lists I've had the 
pleasure of being a part of and I'd say it's worth getting slammed 
every now and again if that's what I have to deal with to get solutions 
to my problems. :-)  



-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Thorburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 2:20 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] chill out


I'd have to agree with the original poster on this topic - I've been on 
this list for about 3 years now, at times it is helpful - and then 
every other day.

Granted, there are guru's out there that know all there is to know 
PHP, and then there's the new kid that has no idea what it is, but 
wants to learn or has to learn.  And it is quite possible that not 
is as adept at finding information online - if you're new to 
programming languages in general - how or why would you know of the 
many repositories of information available online?

Sarcasm is one thing, gawd knows I use it on a by the minute basis ... 
when a newbie posts a question that may seem simple to some - yet 
impossible to others, is it constructive to tell them to go back and 
in a violent manner?  Suggesting that they review the manual again may 
help, or better yet - if you think it's not worth your time, that's 
the trash can button is for.

In general, I've had great luck with this list - it just seems the 
of puter ppl don't have super ppl skills ;)

Now back to work

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