You aren't required to be subscribed to post to the list, so if you are not subscribed you will not see the FAQ or the discussion about how to post properly.

You could make it be sent in the confirmation email when someone first posts to the email address but then you are making the mail bigger and deluding yourself into thinking they will read it :)

Mostly I see people get flamed when they ask a question (sometimes off topic) and them flame and otherwise insult the person that tried to help them, in which case I believe they deserve a thrashing :-).

I found this list to be an excellent resource when I first started in PHP and I still find it to be a good resource (though the mail traffic has increased significantly).

I empathize with people who are frustrated with users posting questions to the list such as how do I use n function, that could easily be answered by reading the manual, I emailed a person who sent multiple mails to the list with extremely simple questions and his response was "I know about the manual but it is easier and faster just to ask you guys"

Something to think about.


Steve Edberg wrote:

Well, you could do what the sunmanagers mailing list does...every so often (every month? every other month?) a 95KB FAQ is sent to all subscribers. However, the main problem is getting people to READ it. And those people likely to read it are probably the same people who'd do the requisite documentation/web search first anyway.

I suppose you could set it up so that only new subscribers got the FAQ. Or if you want to be really ambitious/annoying, new subscribers would get the FAQ, then - to activate them on the mailing list - they'd have to take a short web-based quiz on the contents of the FAQ before they are allowed to post.

However, as others have said, the signal-to-noise ratio of this list is pretty high, easiest thing is just to tolerate/ignore the inappropriate questions...


At 2:21 PM +0500 4/4/03, Haseeb Iqbal wrote:

hi all,
just like to add something here, (which i recmended before)
there should be a automated way to email all the new users about what php
is, that explain them that php is server side and it can't do client side,
just a plain email will do this will certinaly minimize the no of off topic
posts,what you people think? i think it will help

Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.
HaSeEb IqBaL.

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