Register globals essentially takes the value of $_SESSION['foo'] and creates
$foo.  It does the same thing for GET, POST, COOKIES, etc.

The problem here is that you have no way of telling if $foo was a POST
variable, GET, SESSION, or whatever.  So, I can choose to append ?admin=1 to
one of your URLs, and if you do not do any checking or variable
initialising, it might be possible for me to fake myself as a user with
admin clearance, or anything else that would be considered a risk.

The super global arrays like $_SESSION exist, and can be used, regardless of
whether register globals is on or off.  If you start relying on
$_SESSION['foo'] rather than $foo, $_POST['bah'] instead of $bah and
$_GET['xyz'] instead of $xyz, you've made a great start.

You should be able to use $_SESSION right now, but be aware that the manual
says if you choose to use $_SESSION, then you should stop using functions
such as session_register().

The next logical step would be to manually turn off register globals for
your site, using a directory-level .htaccess file in your document root.  An
example of this file would be:

<IfModule mod_php4.c>
    php_flag register_globals off

Do a whole bunch of testing on your LAN, make any changes you need to make
to your code, perhaps turn the error reporting to the highest level (E_ALL)
to see what warnings you get, then try the same on your live server.


on 29/05/03 3:18 AM, Pushpinder Singh Garcha ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> SInce register_globals() is ON on my server, I need to be able to
> figure out a way to ensure session security.
> Another question I had was that,  with register_globals() ON can I
> still use the $_SESSION to set my variables ? I want to avoid recoding
> the entire application, so I want to see what can be done to enhance
> security with the current setup.
> Does the super-global array approach i.e. $_SESSION work, irrespective
> of the fact that REGISTER_GLOBALS is ON / OFF ?
> If I start setting session variables in the $_SESSION array from now
> on, will it improve the security of the session.  I am a newbie in PHP
> session handling and am sorry if any of the above questions sound
> extremely lame.

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